Ayyyy guys! So I have good news and bad news. Because of recently starting high school, having extracurricular activities and competitive marching band coming up this summer, I will not be able to write a proper story line for Stella's challenge anymore... Sorry! However, I will still continue her challenge on Tumblr, where I will post progress pictures and short captions. The link to my Tumblr is below, and I hope you guys keep following Stella's journey! Thank you for sticking around!
Monday, February 22, 2016
Monday, June 22, 2015
Chapter 28: Goodbye? (Babies 64, 65, 66, and 67)
Pierre, Blake, and Amber grew into young adults. They're ready to spread their wings and soar.
Elmer grew up to be a charming young man. He is quite the hit with the ladies at school.
Finnley, Diamond, and Pearl aged up well. They love to play and have fun around the house
Macy, Rayven, and Azula grew up well into toddlerhood. They are just like how every toddler should be: bouncy, bubbly, and happy.
I woke up late in the night by a rapid, panicked knocking at the front door. I really didn't know why someone would need me at this hour, but I assumed that it was a very good reason, or it was just a prank. Either way, I was still half-asleep when I went into the foyer and finally answered the door.
"STELLA! Thank god you're awake!" Tristan barged in and shut the door tightly. I noticed the extreme shakiness in his arms and legs.
"What's going on?" I asked as he ran into the living room and crouched in the corner, in a way that he was sure that nobody could see him if they were looking in through the windows.
"Well," He began taking deep breaths to calm himself down "I did something I shouldn't have done. And now the other vampires are after me."
"What do you mean?" I said while taking a seat down in front of him.
"I'm not allowed to say. I'd be killed for sure. But the other vampires already set my house on fire. I got out okay, but I can't stay here in Sunset Valley any longer. I need a new alias."

"I have a vampirism cure." He said as he stood up and grabbed it out of a bag he had. He took a very deep breath and glugged the liquid down. He then led me into the bathroom, where he shaved off his stubble, and asked me to help him dye and re-style his hair.
He then pulled out a blue t-shirt and a pair of beige pants and put them on. "Alright... That's good." He said as he looked at his new self in the mirror.
"How are you gonna leave?" I asked, fighting back tears. This isn't happening, this is just a dream, I thought to myself.
"There's an abandoned rowboat near the shore. I'll just take that and leave."
As dawn rolled over the quiet town, we made our way down to the shoreline. He set his belongings in the little rowboat he talked about and came back over to me.
"I guess this is goodbye." He sighed as I dug my face into him, not wanting to let go.
"Yeah." I choked out as I looked up back into his eyes.
He patted me on the back. "Please, please don't cry... It's okay... I promise."
I watched Tristan hop into the boat and take off and wave goodbye one last time. I watched as he got smaller, and smaller, and smaller until he was gone for good.
By then, I was inconsolable. I sobbed and sobbed until I decided that being at that scene wasn't good for me anymore, so I ran off.
I ran off into the town and into Central Park. I sat on a bench there for a few hours and let my mind wander off. Once just sitting there wasn't going to help me anymore, I went to the hospital to get pregnant before heading back home to the kids.
The past couple of days I have been painting a lot more than I usually do. It's a great way to release my emotions without hurting someone or something.
I also have been even learning how to play bass. I've been taking lessons, and I even invited Ashby over to jam with him on guitar. He's given me a few pointers on string instruments as well.
I ended up going into labor that night.
"Are you alright?" He was a bit freaked out by it.
"Yeah. Just give me a few." Labor was just usual business here at my house.
It was worth it in the end, it always is, because I was blessed to welcome four new babies into the world. Introducing Wendell, Delaney, Xavier, and Saffron Alexandria, the newest members of the family.
33 babies left to go...
"Positive anything is better than negative nothing." ~Elbert Hubbard
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Chapter 27: The Name's Ashby (Babies 61, 62, and 63)
Now that Jessi and Claire are young adults, they have their own lives to live now. That's exactly what they plan to do.
Pierre, Blake, and Amber aged up wonderfully, each with different personalities that match with each other.
Elmer is quite a rebellious little child. He does what he wants whenever he wants. If you ask me, he needs some reinforcement.
Finnley, Diamond, and Pearl aged up last. Both Finnley and Diamond got my blue hair and eyes while Pearl got her father's neon blue hair and eyes.
"What now?" Tristan asked me as we cuddled, enjoying the afterglow of intercourse.
I shrugged. "I dunno. I don't have to get back to the kids until later."
"You know," he began "I never really noticed how beautiful you look until now, since you have no clothes on."
I giggled like a dork and dug my face into his stomach. "Oh, stop it, you."
I got back home early in the morning and fed the kids breakfast until they had to board the bus to go to school. Once they left, I took the toddlers with me to go out and run errands while the other kids were away.
When we went out to the grocery store, Diamond pointed to a guy playing a guitar. "Look, mama! A person!" I laughed at her goofiness and fascination with the world around her. "I like him!" She giggled and covered her mouth with her tiny, baby hands. I went over and checked him out when he looked up at me from his guitar, and then I first noticed his striking teal eyes.
"Um, hello... I guess my daughter really likes your music." I laughed.
He looked at Diamond and chuckled. "I guess so. She's very cute, and she looks just like you."
"Aww. Thank you!"
He stuck his hand out for me to shake. "My name's Ashby. Ashby Zam. I'm a musician from around here."
I shook his hand and introduced myself as well. "My name's Stella, and these are my kids, Diamond, Finnley, and Pearl. I'm in the process of doing the 100 Baby Challenge."
He nodded. "That's cool! How far are you?"
"I've had 60 children so far, and I'm currently pregnant with Baby 61."
Ashby nodded again and looked down at my stomach. "Well, congratulations! I know that you're gonna finish."
"Thank you! Will I see you again?"
"Of course." He smiled at me one last time before I had to leave.
By the time I got home, the kids were done with school and already finished their homework. Elmer has developed quite a passion with cooking and decided to make some muffins for me with his oven, and that was what he was doing when I got home.
Elmer set the finished plate of muffins on the dinner table and we each took one. The delicious smell of the muffins also attracted the teenagers, who took the last few muffins. It was quite a tasty muffin, and I thanked and complimented Elmer for the delicious dessert.
"Thank you, Elmer. This is really delicious!"
After that, I went outside with the kids. Finnley begged and begged me to let him ride the bumblebee ride, so I gave in to him. He put up quite the fuss when it was time to get off and go to bed.
"Me not tired!" Diamond kicked and fussed as I tried putting her to sleep. I decided to put her into her swing so that hopefully she'd calm down and be rocked to sleep. As I watched her rock in the swing, the familiar pain of labor hit me. I sat in pain for quite a while until the babies were finally born.
Macy, Rayven, and Azula Alexandria were all brought into the world just an hour later. I put them to bed and kissed them goodnight soon after they were born.
37 babies left to go...
"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life." ~Omar Khayyam
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Chapter 26: Home Life (Babies 58, 59, and 60)
The quads were now all aged up and ready to be off on their own. I didn't know why, but they were in a rush to leave and hurried themselves out the door.
Jessi and Claire drifted way apart once they aged up. They weren't best friends with each other, and began to argue and fight with each other. Claire even cut her hair short in an attempt to no longer look similar to Jessi.
Pierre, Blake, and Amber all have individualized themselves. Pierre has taken interest in cowboys and the wild west, Blake loves playing basketball with his friends from school, and Amber is a little genius and unlike the rest of the kids in her grade, she loves and her favorite subject is math.
Elmer is a little toddler full of joy and happiness. He inherited his father's skin and eye color and my mother's hair color. I love how her genes are so strong in my kids.
For the first time in quite a while, I went to Dr. Masons' office to be inseminated instead of at the hospital.
"I haven't seen you over here in quite a while!" He announced.
"Yeah, I know. Just make it quick." I hurried him along so it wouldn't become awkward.
As I was grabbing my things to leave, he pulled me back. "Hey, Stella?"
"What?" I groaned, not wanting to be in the office any longer.
"Have you had any of those dreams lately? You know, with the girl?" He sat back down at his desk. I should've left right then and there, but I stayed put.
"Not technically... But I have been seeing her all over town. Even when I was in Bridgeport for my sister's wedding, she was over there, too. I have pictures." I shoved things all around my purse as I dug in to reach for the pictures. I handed them over to Dr. Masons once I found them. He examined the pictures for a minute before handing them back.
"Interesting... I haven't seen her around town at all. Mind running a test for me."
"I guess."
He led me over to a new apparatus in his office that he made me sit down on. He put a thing over my head that reminded me of one of the hair dryers at the salon.
"This just measures more complicated brain activity. You won't feel anything and it'll only take a couple of minutes." He said as he pulled out a clipboard and began writing on it. After the test was over, he got back on his computer and viewed the results from there.
"Huh..." he began, "Everything looks normal. Nothing here suggests hallucinations or anything. But I recommend coming back for a sleep study and see if anything happens there."
"Wow, there's actually babies in there?" Pierre asked as he rubbed my belly.
"Yep!" I smiled at his goofiness as he jumped around, excited to have more little siblings in the house.
Afterwords, I got on the computer and looked on my email. I got updates from both Natalie and Libra on their families and how they have progressed.
Natalie's baby girl, also my niece, Margie, aged up into a toddler. She has her mother's red hair and blue eyes. Margie is also quite the little sweetheart and loves bringing happiness to her parents and other people, even if it's just by kissing them on the cheek.
Meanwhile, in Libra's family, Martha and Ralph aged up. Martha grew into an energetic and excitable kid while her brother, Ralph, is a bit more lax. He inherited his mother's blond hair and blue eyes.
I logged off of the computer and went over to my easel, where I was working on a new piece of art. I worked on that for a little bit while the kids were now away at school for the day.
I also tended to the fish in the new aquarium we have. The kids didn't really see them as interesting, so they didn't really care for them; they liked playing with the cats better. But I thought that they were really cool, so I ended up being the one who mainly takes care of them.
Speaking of cats, the kittens, Skittles, Midnight, and Phantom, have all grown into adults. Unlike the other cats, Phantom has a love of sleeping with me, so I always make sure to get him before going to bed.
Once I retired to my bedroom for the night, I hopped on the bed next to Phantom and stroked my pregnant belly, trying to fall asleep, like every other night. But I guess the babies had enough and wanted out, and then I went into labor.
I'm very happy to introduce the newest triplets in my challenge. Finnley, Diamond, and Pearl Alexandria were all born after a short but grueling labor.
Only 40 babies left to go... This challenge is going by way too fast!
"Every story I create, creates me. I write to create myself." ~Octavia E. Butler
Friday, June 19, 2015
Chapter 25: Moving and Bonfires (Baby 57)
Ingrid, Seth, and Elaine are ready to go out into the world on their own. I wished them luck as they left to pursue their own dreams.
Bonnie, Chica, Freddy, and Foxy aged into a beautiful group of teenagers. Even though they are making most of their decisions by themselves, they still dress in the same colors as the Five Nights at Freddy's characters that they're named after.
Jessi and Claire are a couple of tightly-knit kids. They always do everything together, even though Claire sometimes gets annoyed by it by Jessi.
Pierre, Blake, and Amber are little toddlers now, and they're full of energy. Both Pierre and Amber got my mother's hair color while Blake received the mysterious black hair that keeps showing up in my kids. However, all three of them have my blue eyes.
"Okay... Yep, you can move in right away." The voice on the other end of the line rang into my ear as I made final arrangements to move into a new house I found, located here in Sunset Valley. It was a lot bigger of a house and had more activities in store for my kids inside it. I knew that they would love it.
"Well, this is our new home!" I announced to the kids as we took our first steps into our new place that we called home. As Blake cuddled up against me, I looked at the paintings all around the hose; the person that lived here must have had quite a taste in art.
Out of all the new things there for the kids, the kids first took note of the pool, and they all jumped in. I really didn't know why, since we had a pool at our old house that they played in all the time. Oh, children.
I decided to use my down time well, and I drew myself a bubble bath. As I relaxed in the tranquil bathtub, I reflected on the day so far. Before making my final moving arrangements, I had went to the hospital to get pregnant. Remembering that, I rubbed my stomach, feeling satisfied that a baby was quickly growing inside of me.
A couple of days later, as I tucked the youngest ones into bed, Claire came up to me. "Hey, mom, you know how we have that bonfire pit in the backyard, right?" She asked.
I nodded at her, "Yes, why?"
"Well, I was wondering, could we have a bonfire tonight? Please?"
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." I grinned at her.
I went outside and lit the fire pit, and the kids came around and huddled around it. They told stories and roasted marshmallows around the fire as I made sure that they were being safe around it and that nobody would get burned. The kids enjoyed it and had a great time, even the growing baby inside me kicked with delight at the warmth from the fire.
However, those kicks of joy soon turned into kicks of pain, and I realized I was going into labor. A little boy that I named Elmer Alexandria was brought into the world just a few hours later.
However, the night wasn't all fun of games... I realized that once I saw the Grim Reaper at our new house for the first time, and taking our little Berry away with him. Rest in peace Berry, you beloved cat, you.
43 babies to go...
"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home." ~Matsuo Basho
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