Babies 3 and 4, Lucia and Lukas, weren't babies anymore. They were now young adult, ready to face the world. Lukas planned to become a martial artist while Lucia decided to pursue a career in the military.
Baby 5, Kaleah, had spread her wings, both literally as a fairy, and figuratively. She loves using her magic for good and wants to use it to practice magic when she becomes an adult.
Baby 6, Louise, is now a child. She works hard in school and gets very good grades, which makes me very proud of her.
Baby 7, Mabel, is just as energetic as any other toddler. Her favorite hobby is to play with her dollhouse, even though she just sticks the dolls in her mouth most of the time.
After coming back from an appointment to great pregnant again, I saw that Louise and Mabel get along very well. Mabel loves playing with her sister and tries to do everything Louise does. None of my kids have really ever fought with each other and I hope it stays that way.
Kaleah was also very close with Louise. She helped her with homework and worked together.
"What's the answer to number two?" Louise asked.
Kaleah giggled, "I have different homework than you."
"Oh," Louise laughed.
The rest of the night was spent by Kaleah trying on dresses for a formal dance the next day.
Kaleah didn't settle on a dress until an hour before the dance the next day, but she still looked beautiful either way!
Once she got home, Kaleah had told me all about all of the fun she had at the dance. I could tell she had a great time and was happy about it.
Of course, our conversation was cut short when my water broke.
After only a few hours, I gave birth to Babies 8, 9, and 10; Kurt, Krist, and Dave Alexandria. Three perfect little boys.
90 left to go...
"The love of a family is life's greatest blessing."~ Unknown
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