Babies 11 and 12, Amethyst and Marcel, both grew into beautiful young adults and left the house right after they aged up.
The only thing similar between Babies 13 and 14, Lindsey and Cherece, were only their facial features. Lindsey is very popular in school and enjoys parties while Cherece prefers to be a loner and spends her days on the internet.
Babies 15 and 16, Caleb and Kieran, love doing things together as brothers, especially sports. Meanwhile, their triplet sister, Baby 17, Colbalt, is the odd one out and would rather be out playing alone in the forest.
Baby 18, Tate, is also the odd one out of his triplet group. His triplet siblings, Babies 19 and 20, Penelope and Bradley, look almost exactly alike.
"Hey Stella! I- OWWW!" Dr. Masons shrieked in pain as I punched him in the face and threw him down on the ground.
"LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FUCKING CREEP." I shouted at him before storming off, leaving him to writhe on the floor in his office in pain.
I ran off to a park to collect my cool and think about the pleasure of giving the doctor what was coming to him.
"Hello?" A voice said.
I looked right up at the person that said hello. He had the most beautiful eyes, but I could tell something was unusual about him, I just didn't know what.
"Mind if I sit next to you?" he said.
I chuckled nervously, "Ummm... Actually, I'm just getting up so... sure?"
"I'm Tristan." he announced.
"Stella." I say.
He complimented me, "You have the most beautiful and bluest eyes I have ever seen."
"Thank you," I blushed awkwardly, "I was thinking the same about you."
I didn't realize what was happening between Tristan and I until I found myself in bed with him.
I hardly know this guy, and I'm madly in love with him! What am I doing? I thought to myself.
And that, my friends, is how I lost my virginity.
As I walked into the living room of his house, he pressed his face on mine, our tongues touching.
"That was the best night I've ever had," I said to Tristan, truthfully.
"I have something to tell you." he said.
I looked at him, worried, "What?"
"Well, I'm a vampire."
I checked him out. His skin was pale, his eyes literally glowed, and he had a mark on his neck. I knew something was odd about him!
"I should've figured" I laughed, "I thought you were gonna tell me you have AIDS or something."
"I can't go out during the day, and I get so lonely here sometimes, can you stay with me?" he asked.
"Only a few days, I have kids."
He sighed, "Okay."
The next few days I spent with Tristan were a dream. Two tiny miracles that belonged to us grew in me while the days passed.
Babies 21 and 22, Bruno and Gretel were born just a few days after I met Tristan.
78 babies to be born...
“You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” ~ Oscar Wilde
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