Tate, Penelope, and Bradley were all grown up now and ready to leave the house. They said their goodbyes and hassled each other out.
Bruno and Gretel had begun to drift apart. Gretel started to get into sports and being a student athlete while Bruno was always writing comedy sketches.
There really isn't much to Ryker yet. He is quite a lady's man at school with his beautiful, blond hair and good looks.
Sampson, Alfie, and Ross love doing things together. They all like to stay together and not apart.

"Well I guess this is it," I say to Natalie while walking her out the door. She was now leaving for her job in Bridgeport and had all of her stuff packed in her car.
"Stella, I wish you good luck with your challenge... Keep me posted."
"Okay," I said, "Good luck with your job, too. I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too... love you." was the last thing she said to me before embarking on her own journey.
"Well, I guess it's just you, me, and your other brothers and sisters," I sighed, hugging Ross.
He responded by speaking his adorable toddler gibberish, "Goh!"
After Natalie left, I put Bruno and Gretel in charge while I went out to gather my thoughts. I went out to the hospital to get inseminated and then I went to the local park and tried a new hobby, fishing.
I also ended up calling Tristan.
"Hey Stella! What's up?" he asked.
"Well, we haven't hung out in a while. Do you wanna go on a date?" I asked.
"Mm," he said, "Probably not tonight, I have stuff to do. But do you wanna meet at 8:00 at the Bistro on Saturday?"
I smiled, "Sure."
The next couple days felt like years. I was so excited for my date with Tristan, it seemed like time slowed itself down to piss me off. I made the most I could with the time, though. I taught the toddler ones their basic skills, and spent a lot of new time with my kids that hadn't existed when Natalie was around to do everything for me.
Soon enough, I found myself sitting in front of Tristan at the bistro we planned to have our date at. Things went well and we caught up with each other.
I even saw my Baby 3, Lucia Alexandria at the Bistro. Life has been going great for her and she currently works in the military.
"Are you okay?" Tristan asked while I grasped my stomach in pain.
"Yeah, I'm in labor, but I'm fine. Just take me to my house."
After a few hours of labor, Kalyn and Aries Alexandria were brought into this world.
"I have something to tell you," I said to Tristan before he left.
"What?" he asked, pulling me into a kiss.
"Tristan, Iwannabeavampirewithyou."
72 babies to be born...
"Family is not an important thing. It's everything." ~Michael J. Fox
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