Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer talked nonstop about leaving the house as teenagers. Now, as young adults, they're more than ready to leave and start their own lives. However, like all the other kids before them, I hated having to let them go off on their own, but I knew that it's for the better.
Leo, Virgo, and Libra have been thinking quite a lot about their future lately, and they hope to be successful once they become young adults. They've been getting good grades in school and also help out their younger siblings, wanting to be good role models for them.
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius grew into little cuties. They all look different from each other, but you can still tell that they all are related. However, none of them got my hair color.
Finally, here is little Pisces. The only thing I could tell she got from me right now was her beautiful, blue eyes. Other than that, she is more like her father, with purple skin and purple hair, tied into braids. She is a goofy girl and loves making other people laugh.
Jelly Bean also aged into a teenager with Libra. They have been best friends for a very long time now. Now, they still go to school together and hang out with their friends.
"Libra, we've been best friends for a long time now. I really like you. Do you wanna go out with me?" He asked if Libra would commit into a relationship with him. She happily agreed, willing to date her best friend.
Being the concerned mother I am, I set some rules and limits about Jelly Bean dating my daughter. "She's a really great girl. You're lucky to have her." He smiled as I talked to him, and nodded in agreement about all of the rules.
After getting pregnant at the hospital, I met with Tristen late at night for a date. "Good, you're here!" I grinned at him. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Where would you like to go?"
"Surprise me." I laughed.
*Libra's POV*
"I'm going to bed, Libra." Leo announced from beside the couch Jelly Bean and I were cuddling on. Once Leo left, my boyfriend whispered into my ear. "Hey, babe, have you ever thought about doing... you know what?" I look at him, disappointed in myself. "Yeah, actually. I know I want to try it, but my mom will kill me if she finds out." He stared off into space for a few moments and said "Well, she won't find out if we use protection." I thought about it and agreed. "True, true."
I knew what I was about to do was wrong. But I couldn't help myself. I have the chance, and I'm gonna take it. I don't want to die a virgin. What the outcome of this will be, I don't know. But I hope this decision won't affect the rest of my life that bad.
*Stella's POV*
"Where are we?" I looked around the landscape, confused. Tristen smiled at me "We're at a lake!"
"What on Earth made you decide to go here?" I gave him a serious look. He shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno. The peace and quiet, I guess."
Over on the other side of the lake, a girl with pink hair was petting a horse. I looked closer at what she was doing and realized that the horse she was taking care of was, in fact, a unicorn. I went over to her, interested.
"Hi. Nice horse you have!" I grinned, trying not to make the conversation awkward. She looked at me as if we already knew each other. And maybe we did, she was so familiar looking. She looked like the girl from my dreams. "Oh, it's you again." She glared at me. "Can't you see I don't need you? You made my life a living hell! Fuck you, mom!" Why did she call me mom? I don't even know her! I thought to myself.

Tristen must have heard the conversation, because he stormed over. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, TALKING SHIT TO MY DATE?!" He punched her right in the face, then took me back home, prematurely ending the date.
When I got home, Libra was sleeping on the couch. "What are you doing out here?" I asked, waking her up. "Oh," she scrambled to get awake, "I was feeling a little sick. I guess I feel a little better." I sent her back to her room to sleep after making sure she was okay. But something seemed off.
The next afternoon, she pulled me aside. "Mom.." she sighed, "I screwed up. I did something you told me not to do, and now, I'm pregnant." My eyes grew wide as I tried to comprehend this. "I know... you're disappointed. I guess just wanted to see what love really is."
"I should punish you, I really should. But I'm not going to." She let out a sigh of relief when I said this. "I'm still going to support you and the baby until you move out. However, once you move out, you are in complete responsibility of the baby. I cannot help you, I have enough responsibility as it is."
Libra touched her stomach. "Are you mad at me?" She asked.
This was a very tough question to answer. "No. But I'm disappointed in you. We set rules, and you and Jelly Bean broke them, which is why I should really punish you. But I'm not going to. Remember, you don't need to have sex to show how much you love your partner."

I guess the shock of the whole thing sent me into labor, because I began having contractions just only an hour after having the conversation with Libra. A few hours later, we welcomed Babies 40 and 41, Arlo and Tova Alexandria into the world.
Just a few days after the twins' birth, Libra went into labor as well. After a lengthy labor, she had a little girl, which her and Jelly Bean named Martha, my first grandchild.
59 babies to go...
"The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence." ~Denis Waitley
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