NSFW Warning: There is a mature scene in this post. If you are under the age of 18, please get a parent's permission before reading. Thanks!
"Are you ready for this?" I asked Natalie as she locked her arm on mine.
"Ready as I'll ever be." She smiled as we began walking down the seemingly endless path to the altar.
The wedding was a beautiful ceremony of matrimony. Besides the pastor presiding the wedding, Laya and I were the only guests and witnesses to the wedding.
Ezra and Natalie recited their vows, pronouncing their love and commitment to each other. Then there was the exchange of rings. "With this ring, I thee wed, and with it I bestow all of the treasures of my mind, heart and hands" They repeated after the pastor.
"May I present to you, Mrs. and Mr. Ezra Danielson! You may now kiss the bride." We clapped and cheered for Natalie and Ezra as they shared their first kiss of being a married couple.
After the wedding, a small reception party followed. We had spaghetti, salad, and wedding cake. Laya had to quickly leave right after having some cake to make it in time to her work back in Starlight Shores.
After spending some more time with Natalie, it was time for me to leave as well. I had to get back to the kids. "I'll miss you!" I told her as I pulled her into a goodbye hug. "Let me know when the baby is born."
Natalie smiled at me. "Of course I will."
As I began to leave, the pastor stopped me. "Um... You are Stella Alexandria, right? 100 Baby Challenge mother?"
I nodded. "Yes, why."
"Well." He began, "I would like to be a father in your challenge. You see, it's something I've always wanted to do. But there aren't a lot of challenge moms out there anymore. Back at the church I work at, they said a pastor for your sister was needed. I volunteered because I knew it was your sister, and I knew you would come."
I grinned at him. "Sure, just take me to your house."
Once we arrived at his house, he led me inside to the bedroom, and pulled out a bag of clothes. "Um, I like it a certain way. If you could be so kind and put this on for me, I think we'll have a better time." I hastily put on the pink, polka-dotted lingerie outfit, which I immediately questioned, but didn't say anything. It wasn't something I'd usually wear, but the pastor, who's name was Ryan, seemed pleased with it. I laid down on the bed and Ryan got on top of me after removing his final article of clothing, now completely naked and exposed to me.
He began rocking in a rhythmic motion that felt wonderful, and I could tell that he has done this before. This continued for a while until he finally came and we were finished. He kissed me and whispered "You are an amazing fuck" into my ear. I'll spare you the rest of the gory details that happened in that bedroom, but it was an amazing time that I wish I could re-live.

Once I got home, the kids gathered around me and celebrated my homecoming. "Okay." I said while staring down at them "It's time to age you guys up."
Mikasa, Eren, and Armin are now young adults. Even though they don't look normal, they're not going to stop that from living up their adult life.
Ingrid, Seth, and Elaine are teenagers now. It seems like just yesterday, I gave birth to them. Oh, how the time flies.
Bonnie, Chica, Freddy, and Foxy love being kids. They run around the house a lot and play games with each other. The quads all get along well with each other and that makes me happy.
Jessi and Claire are the most adorable little toddlers on the planet. They are always by each other's side and love playing and just being together. Claire is the first baby of my challenge to inherit my blue hair.
Natalie called me in the late hours of the next day. She had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl. Natalie and Ezra named her Marjorie, or Margie for short.
I gave birth as well a few days later. It was a somewhat lengthy labor, but in the end, three beautiful new kids came into this world from it.
Introducing Babies 54, 55, and 56, Pierre, Blake, and Amber Alexandria.
44 babies left to go...
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" ~Audrey Hepburn
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